by andy.geall79
Posted on Oct 30, 2017 at 10:58 AM
Information on the consultation process of the Ryburn Valley Greenway
Calderdale Council are reviewing options to create a route for walking, cycling and horse-riding between Sowerby Bridge with Ripponden and Rishworth (known as the Ryburn Valley Greenway). We would like your views on this aspiration.
The aim of the project is to identify options for a walking, cycling and horse-riding route between Rishworth, Ripponden and Sowerby Bridge.
In April 2017 Calderdale Council adopted a new Cycling Strategy for the period 2016-2031. A component of the Strategy is ‘Improving the greenway and off-road environment for cycle users’ and the Ryburn Valley Greenway was identified as a particular project that will contribute towards this component.
A period of engagement and consultation is underway as we seek to gain your input into the project. Once this is complete, proposals will be developed informed by the input that you provided. There will be further opportunities to review and feedback on these proposals later in the year. This stage of the consultation process will end in early December 2017.
We are keen to hear any other views you have on walking, cycling or horse riding in a more general sense. Please email us at
An interactive map has been set up by Commonplace where you can go online and leave your comments and opinions and read the opinions of other interested local people. We are also in the process of setting up some drop in venues to comment in person.
andy.geall79 Sustainable Development Officer - Cycling Specialist at Calderdale MBC